Architecture Review Committee

ARC Members

Greg Favor
Chair Priv IC
Ventana Micro Systems
John Hauser
Vedvyas Shanbhogue
Rivos Inc.

Definition of Architecture Review (AR)

AR is a structured process to ensure robust, consistent RISC-V architecture extensions align with ratified specifications and the overall RISC-V strategy. It involves reviewing architectural consistency, cost/benefit justifications, and adherence to RISC-V standards. See the AR Policy for more details.

Goals of AR

  • Produce consistent and high-quality architecture extensions.

  • Coordinate opcode, mnemonic, and CSR assignments.

  • Ensure responsiveness and thoroughness in reviews.

  • Maintain architectural consistency across extensions and profiles.

Communication Channels

Key AR Activities

  1. Architecture Reviews:

    • Conducted by the Unprivileged and Privileged ISA Committees (ICs).

    • Reviews ensure extensions are suitable for RISC-V standardization, focusing on architectural integrity and justification.

  2. Opcode Assignment Reviews:

    • Managed dynamically by IC chairs and their delegates.

  3. CSR Assignment Reviews:

    • Delegated to knowledgeable individuals for thorough evaluation.

  4. Definition of Done (DoD) Sign-offs:

    • Includes early opcode assignments and other deliverables as part of extension readiness milestones.

AR in the Specification Development Lifecycle

  • Planning/Development: Consultative role, offering guidance on architectural choices.

  • Freeze Stage: Mandatory review to ensure readiness for specification advancement.

  • Ratification-Ready Stage: Required if substantial changes have occurred in the specification.



RISC-V International