Specification Status
NOTE: We have migrated our specification development tracking to Jira. The new All Specifications Under Development replaces the old table-based, static page. Please see the "Historical Status" section for legacy information.
New Information
These links provide more information about specifications currently under development:
"RISC-V Specification Status" wiki page - a general overview of all specification status. ** Start here if you are just perusing information. **
"All Specifications Under Development" wiki page - a table-based representation of all specification status
"RISC-V Specifications for Chairs" Kanban board - a more detailed view of Jira cards (Jira login required via LF id. See Getting Started Guide section on "Linux Foundation Tools" for more information.)
Any questions or problems should be sent to help@riscv.org or reported at help.riscv.org (GH issue repo which requires authorization and authentication).
Historical Status
The historical specification status, including the information know as the "Specification Dashboard" has been moved to the "Specification Status - Historical" page. Please reference it for legacy information.
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