2025-01-08 Official Meeting Notes
Jan 8, 2025
Answer: TSC and subsidiaries only. No policy for CSC.
Answer: This subset should suffice: https://d106tm.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Quick-Guide-to-Roberts-Rules.pdf
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Notes & Action Items
Move to Confluence
Agendas and meeting notes will now be hosted in the Confluence workspace.
A link to the current meeting's notes is shared.
The chair asks for any items to be added to the agenda.
Vote to approve minutes from November 6 TSC meeting was tabled due to lack of a quorum.
Review of Board Policy Rollout Plan
Review of issues/questions
The chair provided a summary of the new board policy and the ongoing questions and clarifications surrounding it.
The following key points were highlighted:
The rationale behind the new policy has had much discussion.
Whether the board intended to change the chair requirements in the legacy policies, e.g. membership level, remains under discussion by Board.
The applicability of the new policy to the CSC cannot be decided by TSC. The Board is discussion.
Clarification on Robert's Rules of Order and references to best practices have been provided.
The definition of an "official meeting" continues to be discussed and refined.
How voting rights are lost and the quorum requirements have been addressed.
The chair sought confirmation from the attendees about the accuracy of the summary.
A suggestion was made to provide short, crisp answers to the broad questions raised in addition to the lengthy recordings and documents.
The chair agreed and estimated that these concise answers will be available by the end of the month, after the Lifecycle Guide updates are made.
Rollout Plan Discussion
The chair outlined the rollout plan for the new policy, which includes the following key actions:
All new groups will use the new policy.
Existing groups will transition to the new policy, with a focus on addressing groups that are short of chairs and managing in-flight specifications.
Clear steps will be sent to all chairs and vice chairs on how to establish voting rights and identify active voting participants. Review underway with Greg, Philipp, Andrea, and Rafael on these directions.
The Lifecycle Guide will be updated to reflect the changes introduced by the new policy.
The chair discusses the challenges of transitioning existing groups and specifications to the new policy, particularly regarding voting rights and quorum requirements.
The need for further discussion and decision-making regarding in-flight specifications is emphasized.
The chair seeks questions and comments from the attendees about the rollout plan.
Specification Replan
Raphael provided an update on the specification replans, highlighting the following:
Ensuring all specifications have a plan targeting the current year.
Updating plans and setting dates to provide clarity on expectations.
Adding two extra phases ("stabilization" and "publication") to reflect the new policy.
Reaching out to groups with unclear plans or progress.
Updating Jira to reflect the new policy and progress on specifications.
The chair sought questions and comments from the attendees about the specification replans.
Andrea provides a brief update on the Automotive Sig and the RVM profile, highlighting the following:
The Profile Sig is preparing a proposal to initiate an RVM profile task group
The proposal is driven by the need for an automotive microcontroller profile and a corresponding profile specification for the CSC's certification program.
The proposal will be presented to the TSC for review and potential approval.
The Automotive SIG:
The Sig has been dormant for almost a year but is now being resumed.
New acting chair and vice chair volunteers have been identified.
The existing charter is being reviewed and updated, and will be presented to the TSC for review.
The chair emphasizes the need to ensure new groups adhere to the new policy and that the TSC will likely have these folks on the agenda next time to review the process.
Discussion on Proposal for TSC and Tech Chairs Meeting Changes
Andrea proposes consolidating the various Wednesday meetings (TSC, Tech Chairs, Committee Chair Coordination) to improve efficiency and reduce the overall number of meetings.
The proposal includes:
Focusing the TSC meeting on the technical side of the house, strategic initiatives, and technical updates.
Consolidating the other meetings into one operational meeting focused on the detailed progress of specifications.
Reducing the number of meetings and encouraging more asynchronous communication via email.
Attendees discuss the proposal, raising points about:
The potential for long email threads and the need for clear summaries.
The importance of formalizing email communication to improve efficiency.
The need for templates and standardized reporting to facilitate easier parsing of information.
The value of synchronous meetings for forcing attention and facilitating live Q&A.
The role of chairs in facilitating and summarizing email discussions.
The importance of clear charters and separation between technical and operational meetings.
The chair summarized the key takeaways and proposes documenting the specifics and bringing it back as a formal proposal for a vote.
New Group Formation and Discussion
Raphael presented a mind map visualizing the new group formation process under the new policy.
The mind map highlights the key steps involved, including:
Proposing a solution and writing a proposal.
TSC review and approval.
Reaching out to all RISC-V members for feedback and support.
TSC vote and board ratification.
Charter development, review, and approval.
Election of chairs and commencement of work.
The chair and attendees discussed the mind map, clarifying various aspects of the new process and the increased rigor and intentionality behind group creation.
The need for TSC members to support new group creation was highlighted.
The chair clarified that the mind map applies to all groups (SIGs, Task Groups, etc.).
The chair and attendees discuss the following potential new groups:
Crypto Sig (transitioning from the existing Crypto TG)
Unified Database
Potential new task groups related to cash management operations for soft CPUs and microcontrollers.
Concluding remarks: The chair thanks everyone for their participation and patience in working through the new processes.
Motion to Adjourn Made By: @Allen Baum
Seconded By: Paul Holt.
Time Adjourned: 1:29
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