The RISC-V Lab built by Nanjing Inchi has currently obtained 70 LicheePi 4A, 5 Unmatched, and some K230. It has started to provide some package building services for the Arch Linux community.
Hefei University of Technology (HFUT) intends to establish a RISC-V Lab in Anhui Province, China. Currently, some RISC-V equipment has been obtained through the RISC-V development board wandering project (of the Jiachen Project), and more than 50 students have started to learn RISC-V.
January 27 to February 5 is the Chinese New Year. Some office areas hosting RISC-V devices may be shut down and will be restored after the Spring Festival. We are currently confirming which areas of RISC-V boards can continue to serve.
We have also done some work supporting driving wormhole (and grayskull) from Fortran via OpenMP target offload. Demoed this to Tenstorrent a couple of weeks ago, still lots of work to do but demonstrates the concepts.
The boards in PLCT Lab is running well, and there have been no unplanned power outages in the past four weeks; no new developers have applied for ssh access; waiting for the delivery of Milk-V Megrez, it is estimated that several units will be online in March for CI services for the open source community.
Brought wormhole PCIe accelerator online as part of the testbed with latest software API. All pretty stable and working well. Thinking about Carl's point about Fortran, we have lots of hardware and compilers etc available, and a list of the most popular HPC applications - some of these (and libraries) already on the testbed, this could be a foundation to explore some of the gaps/limits here