Participation and Voting Rights
Member participation and voting status are maintained in the following table. Group members desiring to vote, should enter their Name, Affiliation, and desired Role. If this is a group establishing their participation and voting rights for the first time, no additional actions are needed. If you are joining a group who has been working under this policy (there’s more than a blank column to the right of the Voting Status column) and you desire Participant status with voting rights , then join the next meeting, introduce yourself to the chair and vice-chair, and let them know you’d like to participate as a voter.
As the group holds their first meeting, the will add a new column for each meeting, just to the right of the Voting Status column, title it for the activity such as “Meeting Feb 06, 2025”, record participation, and after the meeting update Voting Status as needed.
More details about the fields and policy appear below the table.
| Name | Affiliation | Role | Voting Status | Meeting Attendance | |
Verified by RVI | 2025/02/06 |
| ||||
| Rahul Pathak | Ventana Micro Systems | Participant | Voting |
Anup Patel | Ventana Micro Systems | Participant |
| |
Ley Foon Tan | StarFive Technology | Participant | Voting |
| |
Atish Patra | Rivos | Participant | Voting |
| |
Ken Dockser | Tenstorrent | Participant | Voting |
| |
Samuel Holland | SiFive | Participant | Voting |
| |
Joshua Yeong | StarFive Technology | Participant |
| |
Esther Zhang | Alibaba Technology | Participant | Voting |
| |
Spike Yuan | Alibaba Damo Academy | Observer |
| |
Ziang Wang | Bytedance Inc. | Observer |
| |
Ivo Costa | SiFive | Participant |
| |
Yann Gaude | SiFive | Participant |
| |
NOTE: This table should not include email addresses as it will be publicly viewable.
Voting Policy Details
The voting policy is defined in the RISC-V Policies Procedures document.
Role key
Participant: The member is a active participant in the work group and a voting member. Their voting status is reflected in the Voting Status column. The criteria for maintaining voting status is defined below.
These members actively participate in and contribute to meetings with an obligation to vote on all questions before the Technical Committee, on new work item proposals, and initial drafts and drafts for approval.
Note: RISC-V policy also limits each entity (company, organization as recognized by RISC-V Membership) to a single voter. As such, participants from the same entity should preferably select amongst themselves who will have the Voting status of Voting.
Also note, Individual members who participate may also vote and always only represent themselves. But members who both work for a RISC-V member and who also have an individual membership will always be treated as members of the entity.
Observer: The member is a non-voting participant in the work group. Registration as an Observer is completely optional, but may be helpful to the group chairs.
These members follow the work as an observer, and therefore to receive documents and have the right to submit comments and to attend meetings.
Voting Status key
Voting: The member is a voting member and is in good standing
Probation: The member is a Participant who may not yet vote for one of two reasons:
they have not met the initial criteria to vote or,
they did not maintain their ability to vote and have not yet achieved re-instatement.
None or blank: The member either is an Observer or is a Participant but is not the Voting member for their entity.
Voting Criteria
Per the section 2B “Voting Members and Voting Rights of Technical Committees”, item #4 of the policy (above), voting may be removed for two reasons:
Functionally inactive criteria
A Participating Member is considered functionally inactive by missing two (2) of three (3) successive Technical Committee meetings (in-person, virtually or by correspondence). For the purposes of this criteria, attending any in-person or virtual meetings of a group over a week, constitutes attending all meetings of the group for the week.Failing to vote criteria
Has failed to vote on any of Proposal, Stable, or Freeze Milestone ballots.
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