

This document is currently a draft.

This document captures the requirements for the Composable Extensions
task group work products, which include ISA and non-ISA specifications
and other supporting work. See the charter for details.

The document is currently in draft status for discussion.
Requirements are classified in into one of three categories: (1)
requirements which are proposed for inclusion, (2) requirements which
require further discussion whether they warrant inclusion or not,
notated [discuss], and (3) requirements which are proposed for
exclusion from the present task group work and potentially considered
for future work, notated [exclude]. It is expected that all
requirements of the second type, [discuss], will be changed to one
of the other types before work commences.


  • A Composable Extension (CX) is an ISA contract that specifies the
    behavior of a composable custom extension. This behavior is defined
    in terms of a set of custom instructions and custom CSRs,
    collectively termed custom operations, with a precise fixed model of
    state and behavior, that satisfies the criteria for

  • A CX Unit (CXU) is a reusable hardware module that implements one or
    more CXs.

  • CX software is software that issues custom operations of a CX.

  • Multiple categories of composable custom extensions will be
    specified, including the following:

    • Software Composable Extensions are the set of custom extensions
      whose state is isolated from the rest of the system and whose
      functional behavior does not change in the presence/absence of
      other such software composable extensions.

    • Hardware Composable Extensions are the set of Software Composable
      Extensions which are additionally implemented by a CXU with the
      specified logic interface.

  • The specifications support interoperability without preference to
    any particular implementation tool.

  • There may be multiple independent implementations of a CX.

  • There may be multiple CX software collections that use a CX.

  • Support switching a range of opcodes and CSRs between multiple
    composable extensions that allows the resources of each extension to
    be available when enabled, independent of what other composable
    extensions might exist in the system.

  • [discuss] Allow splitting the opcode space into more manageable

  • [discuss] Support, or allow logical enhancement for, multiple opcode

  • Support compatibility with existing use of custom opcode

  • Use custom opcode space and custom CSR addresses for composable

  • Use standard opcode space and standard CSR addresses for behavior
    that controls composable extensions.

  • Do not impose unnecessary constraints on CX opcode

  • A system may have multiple harts.

  • A system may have at least 255 CXs.

  • Support heterogeneous composable extensions; that is, multiple harts
    in a system which each have different composable

  • [discuss] Support hotplugging composable extensions; that is,
    support the dynamic discovery of CXs that may become available or
    unavailable at runtime.

  • Support exactly one state context per hart in the machine mode ISA

  • Support exactly one state context per hart in the supervisor mode
    ISA efficiently.

  • Support exactly one state context per hart in the user mode ISA

  • Support a user level API that provides exactly one state context
    per software thread efficiently.

  • Support an ABI and calling conventions in user mode that provides
    exactly one state context per software thread efficiently.

  • Support a programming model that treats the state context as hart

  • [discuss] Support more than one state context per hart.

  • Support a programming model that excludes the state context from
    hart state.

  • [discuss] There may be zero or more CX state contexts in a system.

  • [discuss] The number of state contexts of a CX must be equal to the
    number of harts in the system. If granted access, a hart may select
    and access that hart's CX state context.

  • [discuss] The number of state contexts of a CX may be less than,
    equal to, or greater than the number of harts in the system. If
    granted access, a hart may select and access any CX state
    context. Multiple harts may select and access the same CX state

  • At any moment a thread may have a number of selected custom
    extensions (one of which may be the CPU's legacy custom
    extension(s)) and the same number of selected state contexts, one
    for each of the selected custom extensions, where the number selected

    • One,

    • [discuss] One or more.

  • Support state contexts in size from zero to at least 512

  • [exclude] Support changing the state context size dynamically at

  • [exclude] Support changing the number of state contexts
    dynamically at runtime.

  • One software thread may use zero or more CXs over time.

  • Multiple harts may concurrently issue custom instructions to
    disjoint state contexts of the same or different CXs.

  • ISA features must be cleanly separated into the appropriate
    privilege mode (M/S/U).

  • Support RV32 and RV64, without preference for either.

  • Support a wide range of implementation styles and performance
    targets, without preference to any.

  • Support emulating a composable extension with trap and

  • Support uniquely identifying each composable extension without any
    requirement for centralized coordination.

  • Discovery of system configuration and parameters must be done using
    existing RISC-V mechanisms (Unified Discovery, Device Tree,

  • Provide an API to allow CX software to discover a CX using a unique
    CX identifier.

  • [exclude] Provide an API to allow CX software to discover a CX
    using a unique CX identifier and additional parameters.

  • Support a logic interface that allows custom operations to source
    one or two operands from and/or write a single result to the integer
    register file.

  • [exclude] Support custom operations that access more than two read

  • [exclude] Support a logic interface that allows custom operations
    to source operands from and/or write results to pairs of registers
    in the integer register file.

  • [exclude] Supports custom operations that access register pairs.

  • [discuss] Support a logic interface that allows custom operations
    to source operands from and/or write results to the floating point
    register file.

  • [exclude] Support a logic interface that allows custom operations
    to source operands from and/or write results to the vector register

  • [discuss] Supports a logic interface that allows zero or more
    read/write accesses to system shared memory as if these accesses are
    performed by the CPU, in response to the custom operation, and
    ordered that way. In particular, these accesses enjoy the same
    memory protection, consistency, and ordering as if performed by the

  • [discuss] Supports a logic interface that provides access to the
    current privilege mode of the hart executing a custom operation.

  • Supports a logic interface which allows access to custom CSRs ("CX
    CSRs") with access control for privilege mode and read-only or
    read-write checked by the hart.

  • Support systems with varying privilege modes:

    • Support machine mode only systems.

    • Support machine and user mode only systems.

    • Support supervisor mode operating systems.

    • Support the hypervisor extension.

  • M, S, or U level software can use composable extensions.

  • [exclude] A system must support use of composable extensions from
    any privilege level.

  • Provide a mechanism for the hart to select the current CX and state
    context for custom operations that follow, including the ability to
    specify legacy custom extension behavior.

  • Provide a mechanism to collect accumulated errors that may arise
    from use of the mechanism the hart uses to select the current

  • Supervisor CX software may be aware of CX implementation properties
    such as context save size or support for flash init, but should not
    rely on them for proper functional behavior.

  • A hart's CX selection(s) identify the CX to perform custom

  • [exclude] A hart's CX selection(s) identify the CX implementation
    to perform custom operations.

  • Each hart has a set of CX selector(s) used across all privilege

  • [exclude] Each hart has a set of CX selector(s) per privilege

  • More-privileged software can securely grant/deny access by
    less-privileged software to a CX and its state context.

  • Support reading and writing all architecturally visible composable
    extension state in a general way that is not specific to individual

  • Privileged software can manage, initialize, save, and restore a
    state context of any arbitrary CX, without utilizing CX specific

  • Every CX incorporates CX state context CSRs that enable any OS
    to manage its current state context. ("All CXs are stateful, but
    some CXs have zero-sized state.")

  • [exclude] Every stateful CX incorporates CX state context CSRs
    that enable any OS to manage its current state context. ("And some
    CXs are stateless.")

  • CX state context initialization supports iterative initialization of
    XLEN sized words.

  • CX state context initialization may support flash (single action)

  • CX ISA extensions comport with current and foreseeable standard
    extensions, including Smstateen, Xstatus.XS CX.

  • In supervisor mode operating systems, support allowing the operating
    system to mediate access to composable extension resources.

  • [exclude] Support performance monitors on composable extension
    specific behavior.

  • [exclude] Support debugging and tracing composable extension

  • [exclude] Support configuration information that provides
    performance and topology information to allow, for example, a
    supervisor mode operating system to optimize scheduling based on
    system specific characteristics.

  • Supports an API with uniform CX access control.

  • Supports an API with uniform CX error handling.

  • Support efficient calling conventions for managing user visible CX
    state and control.

  • Support function calls between software aware of CX state and
    control and software that is not (between CX ABI and non-CX

  • Provide an ABI which efficiently supports disciplined correct
    nesting of various CX software libraries that discover, select, and
    issue custom operations of various CXs

  • Provide an ABI which supports interoperability of CX library
    software with legacy code and compilers that target legacy custom

  • Provide guidelines for CX extension specific calling conventions.

  • A system may have at least 255 CXUs.

  • A CXU may implement one or more CXs.

  • A system may have more than one CXU that implements a CX.

  • Support a logic interface that permits interconnection between a
    composable extension implementation and a RISC-V hart

  • Support a logic interface that is flexible for FPGA and ASIC
    implementations, without preference for either.

  • The logic interface shall support simple processors and complex

  • Support a CX system implemented without the specified logic

  • The logic interface shall support CXU implementations with varying
    timing behavior between the request and the response, including;

    • Combinational,

    • Pipelined fixed latency, and

    • Pipelined variable latency flow-controlled channels.

  • [discuss] The logic interface shall support flow controlled
    channels to be uniformly transported over AXI4 streams.

  • The logic interface shall support build-time configurable fixed

  • The logic interface shall support build-time configurable maximum

  • The logic interface shall support a reset.

  • The logic interface shall support a power save mechanism.

  • The logic interface shall support optional request and response
    transaction IDs.

  • [discuss] The logic interface shall support optional out-of-order

  • [discuss] The logic interface shall support speculative issue and
    cancellation of custom instructions.

  • Supports CXUs that, in response to CXU requests, issue new (possibly
    stateful) CXU requests.

  • For systems that are composed of multiple CXUs, potentially
    interconnected to each other as well as RISC-V harts, the behavior
    visible from the RISC-V hart(s) must meet the requirements

  • The logic interface supports automatic composition of one or more
    harts to one or more CXUs.

  • The logic interface shall be defined in terms of logic signals,
    ports, configuration parameters.

  • The logic interface shall provide an abstraction that does not
    require either the hart implementation or the CXU implementation to
    be modified to accommodate the other.

  • CX interfaces incorporate forward compatibility mechanisms so that
    old CX libraries and old CXUs may be used in a system with revised
    CX interfaces.

  • The CX system supports versioning of CXs, including negotiation of
    mutually supported CXs between old and new CX libraries and old and
    new CXUs.

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