Certification Steering Committee

Welcome to the RISC-V CSC Wiki Home Page!

Use this page to find the most recent links to CSC content. 

Bookmark this Wiki page. Do not bookmark the links below since they are subject to change without notice.

3rd CSC Face2Face

  • April 8th & 9th (Tues/Wed). Hosted by Qualcomm in Santa Clara (3135 Kifer Rd Santa Clara, CA 95051 - Building C)

  • Registration (now open, closes April 1st): http://tech.riscv.org/csc-rsvp

  • Session proposals (now closed)

  • Groups.io email list: csc-face2face-meetings

CSC Information


Group Links 

Useful Links:

Key Meetings (Pacific time)

Chair: James Ball (Qualcomm)

Vice-Chair: Bilal Zafar (10xEngineers)

Program Manager: Jamie Grimm (VTM Group)


CSC-wide groups.io

CSC-wide email list

CSC Google Drive

CSC-wide meeting:

  • Tuesdays 8am Pacific (bi-weekly)

  • Agenda set by CSC chair

CSC Leads meeting:

  • Thursdays 8am Pacific (bi-weekly, opposite week of CSC-wide)

  • Agenda set by CSC vice-chair

Active CSC Work Groups

 Work Group

Group Links

(click for email)

Initial High-Level Charter


Meeting Times (Pacific)

Customer Survey and MRD




David Kelf

James Shi

  • Define survey requirements (i.e., what questions do we want answered)

  • Create list of potential customers

  • Design survey and oversee its deployment

  • Analyze results and present summary to CSC

  • Create MRDs for each certificate we need to offer

Open Ended

Tuesday 7am (weekly)

Tests & Models Recommendation




Umer Shahid

Adnan Hamid

  • Define test & model requirements for ISA and non-ISA standards

  • Focus on features listed in Certification Plans (e.g., MC)

  • Evaluate test & model starting points

  • Recommend solution for each RVCP phase (e.g., 1 = microcontrollers, 2 = Apps, etc.)

4 months

Thursday 7am (weekly)

CSC Business Plan




Larry Lapides

Bilal Zafar

  • Estimate number & types of certification customers

  • Estimate required resources (RVI staff and/or consultants)

  • Estimate funding and revenue

  • Create budget and milestones with dates

6 months

Friday 8am (weekly)

RVCP Operations




Jason Smith

Enrique Pallares

  • Define roles & responsibilities for TSC, CSC, Labs, and customers

  • Define lab requirements and oversight method by CSC

  • Define the how/what of certificates including supply-chain migration

3 months

Mondays 9am (weekly)





James Ball

Christian Herber

  • Create Microcontroller Requirements document to clarify TSC standards and specify behaviors that can be certified

  • Balance pull (customer requirements) and push (RISC-V roadmap)

4 months

Wednesday 9am (weekly)

WG Leads Meeting



CSC chair/vice-chair

  • All chairs and vice-chairs of other WGs meet to co-ordinate their groups and prepare for the following CSC-wide meeting

  • Meetings are recorded but attendance is just chairs & vice-chairs (to keep things manageable, not to exclude anyone)


Thursday 9am (bi-weekly, week before CSC-wide meeting)


CSC Links:

CSC Charter

  • Find this under Administrative folder under CSC files link above

  • v0.4 approved by BoD in their March 28, 2024 meeting

CSC Operating Guidelines

  • How the CSC makes decisions (i.e., voting procedures, voting rights) and Work Groups

CSC Email List

CSC Document Repository

  • Presentations, minutes, administrative, etc.

  • Currently using Google Drive

CSC Meeting Recordings

  • Contains links to Zoom recordings

CSC GitHub

CSC Voting Rights

  • Record of attendance of Premier & Strategic members

  • Used to determine voting rights

CSC Jira

  • TBD - Still being setup.

CSC Restrictions of TSC Specifications

CSC-related Links:

Candidate Test Suites:


Compatibility Test Framework

  • Compares signature between two models and selects tests according to the model configuration

  • Uses the RISCV-CONFIG tool to select and configure tests to match implementation choices


  • Spike GitHub - RISC-V ISS

  • QEMU GitHub - Open-source ISS supporting many ISAs including RISC-V

  • Renode - Simulator framework for a FSS (Full System Simulator)

  • Whisper - Simulator now maintained by Tenstorrent

Profiles & Platforms

RISC-V Branding Guidelines

RISC-V International