RISC-V Specification Status
  • Verified
  • RISC-V Specification Status

    The development of RISC-V Specifications is now governed by a new policy, effective as of January 2025.

    Total Ratifications in 2025: https://lf-riscv.atlassian.net/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20RVS%20AND%20status%20%3D%20%22Specification%20Ratified%22%20AND%20%22Board%20Ratification%20Approval%5BDate%5D%22%20%3E%3D%20%222025%2F01%2F01%22%20and%20%22Board%20Ratification%20Approval%5BDate%5D%22%20%3C%3D%20%222025%2F12%2F31%22%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC

    Next Ratifications: 6 Issues

    The process of developing a new RISC-V specification is a journey that involves creating and approving a specification in six stages: Planning, Development, Stabilization, Freezing, Ratification-Ready, and Publication.

    It starts with creating a plan, then developing and stabilizing the specification through reviews and approvals by various committees. Once the specification is frozen and reviewed, it’s prepared for ratification. Finally, it’s approved by the Board of Directors and officially published as version 1.0.

    Each phase ensures the specification is carefully developed, reviewed, and finalized. The end-to-end process is depicted in the picture below:

    Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 16.59.59.png

    Planning: 10 Issues

    Development: 8 Issues

    Stabilization: 0 Issues

    Under Public Review: 1 Issues

    Ratification-Ready: 6 Issues

    Publication: 0 Issues

    Inception Getting issues...

    Planning Getting issues...

    Under Development Getting issues...

    summary Is Fast Track? Board Ratification Approval updated

    summary Is Fast Track? Board Ratification Approval updated

    summary Is Fast Track? Board Ratification Approval updated



    RISC-V International